Anytime someone mentions the word “secret” ears perk up and attention is focused. When the secret is about money, there is immediate interest. God stores mysteries in His word just for us to seek. Wisdom that is sought and found makes the treasure hunter glad.
The Parable of the Talents in Matthew 25:14-30 used to be just another parable to me. But, that has changed in the last few years. An economic downturn can prompt you to question every thought or strategy you’ve ever had about money. Just when you’re hungrily searching for a word from the Lord, it appears like a lighthouse beacon in the midst of stormy seas. There’s nothing like a word in season.
In this Series on Successful Money Management:
7 Money Secrets from the Parable of the Talents – A Steward’s Day of Reckoning
7 Money Secrets from the Parable of the Talents – the Rewards of Excellent Stewardship
7 Money Secrets from the Parable of the Talents – So, You Want More Money
In case you’re not familiar with the Parable of the Talents, click the link below to hear the audio slide presentation of the scripture text in the NKJV.
To paraphrase this parable, the main character is Rich Guy. Imagine he’s so loaded he has servants and lands and can afford to be away from his home for months at a time. He’s an expert investor and has been training three of his employees to continue managing his holdings.
Rich Guy announces one of his long term trips is coming up. He calls his three protégées into his office to detail his plans. To Protégée#1 he entrusts $5 million, to Protégée#2 $2 million, and to Protégée#3 he distributes $1 million. Rich Guy knows who has performed well under his tutelage and so he doles out his assignments accordingly.
All but Protégée#3 immediately begin investing and managing on their boss’ behalf. As it turns out Rich Guy takes a lot longer than either he or the employees expect. Things can get lax when there’s no visible accountability. Finally the surprise announcement comes. Rich Guy will be back that day, and he’s ready to settle up and review each employee’s results.
Protégée#1 and Protégée#2 had been working quite diligently, each having doubled their assigned portions. Rich Guy showered his first two employees with compliments and appreciation, calling them “good and faithful”. The boss was so happy about this he rewarded #1 and #2 with more territory and holdings to manage.
Now, it’s not said whether Protégée#3 misunderstood the assignment, or perhaps he felt he had all the time in the world to achieve the results he knew his boss required. Protégée#3 had his $1 MM in a safe deposit box, figuring that it would be there when he decided what should be done. His portion would be safe from harm, he thought. Protégée#3 returns the $1 million to Rich Guy along with excuses that he was afraid, and that Rich Guy was a harsh, hard man who would punish him for any mistake.
Can you imagine Rich Guy’s inevitable questions for Protégée#3?
1) How is it that you’ve had my money for this long and experienced no growth?
2) Didn’t I teach you how to grow the money?
3) Why did you wait so very long to begin following instructions?
4) How could you have so profoundly misunderstood my character, that you let fear keep you from being a good steward over my wealth and affecting increase?
Protégée#3 Final Results:
- He is characterized as wicked and lazy.
- His assignment is given to the employee who had the greatest increase capability.
- He is fired.
So, here are three of the Seven Money Secrets. You’ll need to stay tuned in for the rest:
Though there are several parables which describe the handling of money, Matthew Chapter 25 is pivotal to the topic of God’s expectations for our stewardship. Let’s examine it closely. Each verse has a nugget to be mined.
1. It’s Not Your Money
Rich Guy represents the Lord Jesus. The employees represent you and me as stewards of God’s resources. Though the employees are given charge of Rich Guy’s goods, they do not own them. (Verse 25:14)
Just the same, the Lord gives us resources for which we are responsible. God bestows houses, lands, businesses, jobs, employees, bank accounts, and investments on us. There is no mistaking the ownership. The goods are the Lord’s. The phrase also implies a temporary ownership. At some point the Lord expects to be back to get His stuff.
With that understanding, we as His servants should be very reluctant to mishandle the Lord’s resources. If someone gives us something with an expectation of safe return, we should do our best to handle it wisely.
2. The Lord Chooses His Investors
Verse 25:15 illustrates that the Lord distributes his goods as he decides. The criterion is according to his employee’s capability. So, the greatest number of resources is managed by the servant with greatest increase potential. We must work to increase our financial knowledge and handling capability. Through education and proper training we can increase our earning potential.
As Christians we have the Holy Spirit within us to guide us on every financial transaction. Read personal finance and investment books. Attend specialized finance classes, or obtain a degree in wealth management. Greater responsibility will come with your improved capability. He’ll give you exactly what you can handle at that point in your life.
3. The Growth Expectation
Although Rich Guy received his money back in tact from Protégée#3, he was disappointed, even angry. He did not get what he expected. Rich Guy invested his time in all of his employees. His leaving was indeed a test. Training apart from action yields nothing. Increase you create is rewarded with greater and greater responsibility. You cannot expect God’s increase without doing your part.
In my next posts, we’ll explore Money Secret #4 and #5, a Steward’s Day of Reckoning, and the Rewards of Excellent Stewardship.
Please expound on your money secrets and leave a comment below.